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What to do if you have a loss

Filing a Homeowners, Condo Owners or Renters Claim Information

  1. If the loss is caused by burglary or theft, notify the police immediately.

  2. Go room-by-room to take an inventory of the damaged or stolen property. (This is where it comes in handy to have a video inventory.)

  3. If safe to do so, take pictures, make temporary repairs and take steps to protect your property from further damage.

  4. If the home is unlivable, vacate the premises and move to a safe location.

  5. Keep all receipts for repairs, temporary housing, meals, and other miscellaneous expenses.

  6. Please make sure the receipts are itemized.

  7. Please do not dispose of damaged items, as the company may need to see them to complete your claim.

Contact your Hodge & Hodge Insurance agent as soon as possible at (949) 458-0442
If it is after hours, call Mercury's Claims Hotline (800) 503-3724

Information you will need when you file a claim:

  1. Your policy number.

  2. Date and time of the incident.

  3. If a police report was taken, please provide the name of the police department and the report number.

  4. A general description of what happened.

  5. The address of the damaged property.

  6. A brief description of the damage sustained.

  7. If a General Liability claim and a lawsuit have been filed, please provide a copy of the lawsuit that includes the name of the person who received it, the time and date it was received, and location where it was received.

Please, if you have any questions or need to have any terms or coverages clarified—give us a call (949-458-0442) at Hodge and Hodge Insurance we want you to have the full protection you deserve!